The standard of justice that the United States is supposed to follow is one rooted in the notion that one is presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty. That doesn't always play out in actual court proceedings, however, as the case of one young Chicago...
Month: August 2014
Can I be tried in Illinois for recording a conversation secretly?
This is a really good question. The answer at the moment is, no. But if you had asked just a few months ago, the answer would have been, it depends. The reason the answer is a lot clearer today is because of a number of court decisions declaring the law...
Federal agent surge planned for Chicago to counter violent crime
"Mind-boggling." "Almost unheard of." That's how one unidentified top police official is reportedly describing a planned influx of FBI agents on the streets of Chicago.According to officials, the strategy calls for boosting the number of FBI personnel on the streets...
Marijuana cultivation offenses at the federal level
There are many different drug offenses that have federal charges associated with them. One is drug cultivation.Perhaps the most well-known of the drug cultivation crimes that federal authorities sometimes accuse individuals of is marijuana cultivation. While such...
The debate rages: is drug use while pregnant child abuse?
If we look at portrayals of pregnant women on television, it is almost always women who are taking expensive prenatal vitamins, going to numerous doctors' visits, and attending birthing and parenting classes. This is not a reality for every Illinois woman, however....