For several years, the Justice Department and U.S. taxing authorities have been working aggressively to implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA. For the individual taxpayer who owns or has signatory authority over certain foreign assets or bank...
Month: November 2014
The serious consequences of drug offenses in Chicago
For decades, the War on Drugs in the U.S. has resulted in massive arrest efforts and pushes to maximize penalties for even minor offenses. However, critics of this so-called war have been quick to point out that these law enforcement tactics have done little more than...
Are assault and battery the same thing?
People who are arrested after a fight or altercation can be very upset. These situations often arise when emotions are running high and people are already quite angry or scared, and being put in handcuffs in the back of a police car can only increase the level of...
2nd reversal in murder case shows justice system imperfections
It is a fact of the human condition that we make mistakes. As much as we would like to think our social structures, institutions and systems are without flaw, the reality is that they reflect merely reflect our ideals. They are only as good as the human beings who run...