Wanna see something really scary on Halloween? Look at the impaired driver

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2015 | Criminal Defense |

Halloween is on a Saturday this year, and that generally means that both children and adults will be out in force. Trick-or-treating may last longer or start a little later, because it’s not a school night. The same may be true for grown-up Halloween celebrations. Pedestrians, regardless of their age, and motorists should take extra care on Saturday.

Halloween is not usually included on the list of Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over holidays, but that doesn’t mean that local and state police won’t be out in force. Drivers should not be surprised to see more patrol cars on residential streets and maybe even the occasional sobriety checkpoint on state roads.

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is a national anti-drunk/drugged driving initiative. One aspect of the program is devoted to raising awareness of the dangers of driving while impaired. State and local police will also step up the number of patrols during that time.

The objective is to keep impaired drivers off the roads, and research has shown that sending out more patrols is a twofer. First, potential impaired drivers respond well to the threat of being arrested. They choose not to go out, or they designate a driver. Second, more drivers suspected of being impaired are taken off the roads … all the way down to the police station.

Nothing good can come from driving drunk. Not only does a drunk driver put himself and his passengers at risk, but he also puts everyone else on the road or next to the road at risk — and that includes trick-or-treaters. If the driver is lucky enough not to be in an accident, he is still risking arrest. A conviction could mean a one-year revocation of driving privileges, a year in jail, and a fine of as much as $2,500. And that’s just for the first offense.

This Halloween, think before you drive while impaired. Remember that if you have been drinking the second you take the wheel you become the scariest person out there.

Source: www.DriveSoberIllinois.org


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